Page 21 - West Virgina 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 2
P. 21

id you know?
The average satety hard hai weighs about 14 ounees The
avnra e man's head we. h. 14 ounds. so thetes an ounce
g g P
of sarety fur every pound of head 7 provided the head

ptoteeuon is properly worn and maintained

The brain is ihe conlml cnntzr of the body. The shghtest damage to

an an of the brain win eause maliuncuon ui some ama ui ihe bad .

y P y
The shun, under normal eiteumstanees. protects the brain But when
men. Malina a possihihty of myuty hom fallmg or flying oh,eets exists, additional
Dxmnge Prevention Manager P,mc,,m ,, mqumd,
I Hard hats not only mduce the ehanees of senous imury tesuhing from
Hard Hm mm 100 WW5 vhf W5 W’ taihng oh,eet.-, but pmlect you when you bump your head on things —
Lt Edwrmi V\/hwhy BMW Uf W iike machinery, pipes, equipment and totms. Non-eonduetive hatd hats
U5 C“’W'W W M WWX “W W’ pzotzcl you {tom eieetnenl shock and burns. Never wcar metal hatd hats
aparkcd [hr iridusmal safety muwmm! mund Emma! ‘Mk
1711919 7 tho HARD HAT.

HOW TO CARE mu 1-mm aims

The better care you take of your hazd hat, the better care II will take ot
you. Hem are some suggestions:

1 Properly adiust su~p2n~1on ~y~'IEms to maintain clearance between
your head and the sheu or the hai

2 Don't eui hoies tot ventdauon. Don't heat and bend.

3 Don’! substitute a "bump cap." They an-nu suong enough

4 Don't paml your hard hai

5 Don't put anything under II except your head, this meiudes eigmettes
OI noiehuoios.

 e Dun’I Wzal II backwards.
we sometimes hear the following eompiamts about hard hats But is
__ V \, ‘ Lhem any real basis tot them?
, ” . - _-\ - mu too heavy." Hard hats are only a tew ounees heavier than a eioth
’ . cap, but the extra protection you get is wunh the extra weight.
, ' y . - "nu too hot." Measuiements taken In hot weather show that the
temperature under a hazd hat is otten cooler than it is outside.
§- _J- - ‘'11 gives me a headache.” A thump on the head hom something
\ whioh has tauen two floors wiu give you a worse one Theie is, however,
' no meehoai mason why a properly aehusted hmd hat shouid cause a
headaehe. Don't alter the suspcnuon sysiem or ihe hard hat, becn\1~e you
1 q4(- won't get the designed protection
. , . .

- ”lI wun’l stay on." You're nght, it won't In a high wind. A ehin suap
wiu solve this problnm. oihemise. you win find that a hard hat stays
put no mailer how much sioopmg or bending you have to du—ii ll'~‘
fitted properly.

- "in noisy." Thain your imagination. In fact, tests show that ptopetiy
worn hard hats win shieid your Ears hom noise to some extent.
Uslsuass - unuass you want 11'

The hard hai i~ a u~2ful piece of satety equipment. But like any other
plotncllvnz device, It must be properly aehusied and Wnrn and kept in
good condition to give you max|mum protection.

Don't be a hntd head — get in the hntd }Iat11nb1I.a

2019 2019  West . 19

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