Page 8 - West Virgina 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 2
P. 8

rermhless inslallnliun
«eehmques are increumgly
pnpulal, espeerauy m mature
resaexerrhal and eommerera1
areas where tmdxtiunal rrznchmg
methuds mvulve subsmnual resturarion
, Expenses. These me«hue1s pmvidz
mimmnl disruption ID the surface,
mammal disruplion In «rame and men
mammrze puhhe eomplarms. Hawever,
, percussive males and honznmal
e1aree«rrma1drr11s (HDD) should nevzfr
. ~ _ .‘ under any eareums«, be performed
-‘ ' . blind. Publxc saiety depends an «he
— ., HDD operamr being fully aware «hm
“».,__‘ «he drill head and «he back name!
‘ eleared the existing underground
‘ 1 facilities It you don't see «hauhere
- \ is nu cunlacl, yuu hm «he risk of
aamagmg an undergmund facility ur
A ‘ ' ’ creating an exrremely dangerous Crass
__ ‘ ' bore that may nulbe drsemrerea for
_ l_-_ _ ‘ years
' . ._ '1; _' ‘~ ., The excavator shnuld expose «he
. ‘v V" ’ ' L ‘ ‘* undezgrnund facility befum «he
. -‘ '5 ' A - > -_ - _ ’ \ ._,_, HDD dull head andbackreamer are
. ' , ‘, -,'» =‘ , ,3 4 . . _ , V - introduced mm «he Inlerancz zone «he
' ‘ - - _ Ll! - - .v‘ - ‘ -‘ ' ' ~ — underground facility is uccupymg. The
purpuse rs to keep «he Excavator from
physically damaging «he undezgmund
facility, not something that can he
aeeomphshea if «he zxcnvatur operates
a . West Wgrma an 2019, «ssaee

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