Page 9 - West Virgina 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 2
P. 9

311 Miguzlnes

the HDD hhnol. whenevet a taelhty lnonght aflzntmn ta HDD opuatlons storm dram fill up wnh ga. and find
h m~t.1lled u~lng HDD and the new and bonng blmd Haw bag a ptohlen. a ~Duxr:L‘ of lgnmon. The dcstrucllon
hne phyneally lntrsrmcta with an could It be? stnohe. worn conducted te would he gteat

L‘x|al|ng unllty It n teteneol to a. a CxOs‘~ uxamlnu scwcx hum |n atea. where the Th _ d ‘ [ b h V

bum cto.-. here» can he cxlmmcly HDD teehnolegy haol been empleyeol ‘ “"5” " cm" °"“g “‘ °

been well elebateol and pteventatlve

dt1ngcmu~ ConfldL‘r the wulleknown and fmlnd two te tlnee cmmboms pet

event |n Madlll, OK In January 2007 anlle en-IDD lmkallcd ga. hne SIHCL‘ "“"““““‘“°§‘1’°“;‘“d_“j‘°‘”':““3_
The gas‘ C0fl1Pahyl’CPlfl(Cd g£|51ll'ICfi‘ then laws have been changed and no». '’‘'’$‘‘‘“‘’ ““ '“‘“ ‘““’ °P°” ‘°“‘

_ _ Mncc 2on7. Manv cxcavatuxs
wllh polyethylene plpc tnnalleel Ihmg bums am nnne camfully watched ret ln [ H Y E HUB __ k d V
HDD.Tl\lslaakmokpl.1cL‘|n 1992, aumcistalcw‘, [:|0~klnspcckIol1oi~'cwcr 1? ;’‘‘h‘‘‘ “H, P“"§“’°: 2 3*
a()mcmIIrlccnyc.1r~ bcfum the |nC|dcnl I|nc~ ls teqeneol In the atea attet the “ °' ‘“ ‘ 3 “"“° ° "°’ “
_ _ heperelly, thev ate ln the mlnonky.
teek placc.|3.1:kthcn,~ome enhtle. HDD lmlallalmn et gas lmcs to en.-ne S ‘ ~_ b < 1 V d ‘ I
dldn’t mark thur   well and no potcntlnl aanget.  (""11 E{°~  Eff‘ “>bc;'"{a§‘ ‘ M
scwcr hne. wete nae.-t hkely not well '" ""5 *’“‘° ‘ " ‘"‘° °‘‘ ‘3’
The tate of two te thtee cm» hote. mzlmfcsl|vL‘~, at D lnipurlant

ntatkeel. The ga. company happened _ 1‘ _ ‘ d K d K [ _ V I _[ HO __ 1)“,
to M1 though H mm hm ml H Eu nn gin :1. teng In aeagon tat ¢ [1.»r¢‘x:a\t1 Orlhvi a e r;~pc:n~d| ll 
Wm,‘ mm M07 that khc mm finally enng ln etea cs mm mu. . et en enng a (mm mu e ne

b ‘M k d Tl _l _ , nL»lsuIpn~'|ng that ga. ntahne. ate net L‘xI~'t Hcm .. a onnk eheek l|~'l te

eeame 0: e . n aennewnet
_ the enly hazatol that may he created L‘n~um HDD opetatlom are eotteetly
ealleol the etv ~L‘wL‘r elepattment and
h— _ Hlgh voltage eleetne pewet hne. have pettenneol In aolhetenee te the
sum eneng , ll wa. dctcrmlnud to be
M k d T1 _ _ V d d d _ the samc potentlal to tn.-ne et klll exeavanon law to keep the genetal
0: e . ae enn CC) e a the mo!
V _ ennnpeetlng plnnthet. .ent te eleat a pubhc ~afc
mus! hint: gtewn Into the .ewet hne h h ll "1 _ Yd K ‘ K ‘
and ennaloyeel a met enttlng anget to '3 V“ “5‘ ‘“‘ “_' ‘ “ ‘°‘ ‘°" ‘"5"’ 1. Notify all affumsd property ewnet.
And the olamage n net confined te enly

eleat the hue, whnh et tollric ~L‘vL‘md I H H _ k _ M ‘t h ,_ et the mtcndcd pxoyccl and t1~k them te
the gmllnc Czlslmmcdlatcly flowed ”“"‘ “b’—" ‘_‘_‘“"t" “;""‘”' L ''‘V_;‘‘ 11t1vI:prl\'t1lcly()wncd[z\clIlkIcs~p0llcd
mm the ~L‘WL‘r and back lnte housm cm” °’,“h“‘ ‘ mi" “““’ “F "“ ’

‘mush um mum and gm“ The W You elenlt ave to Tall/L‘ anne 1 or an ¢ 2. Pfismark the Inlclfidvsd hete path
[mm a mum Of ‘gmmn and mulmd amaglna mn ()\lau:1IzL a gElahlnL ate. in w lte, as well a~ t e dull .n.ett.en,
m cxpkmn um dmmml am home’ heteol mm a ~t()Irn sewer and avtng a teeetvtng anel eh.-etvataon pits.

— hL‘zl\'y rainstorm wa~'h dcbrle mm the 3 C H 811 1 k] d
Tlus |nC|dcnt n well known because lt, drz\In,dt1mt1gIngtl\c gas hne, and then - “ “‘ ‘M ‘W ‘Y’ “E “3 ‘
along wlth a couple ui ethet lncldcnh, have two, thtee 0! more Clty hleek. of ‘" “‘ “"“‘ W‘ P‘'"'d“ *‘ “°“°““’Y
comwugn 0N was 12
2019 !ssue2 West Wglrlusll . 7

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