Page 12 - West Virgina 811 2019 Issue 3
P. 12

Ou will decide iiyeur survival as is lhe ease as eiir "Na Depnrlrnenl." liecause researeh shows they are
insrincls are a friend in foe tn infrequently used. ship and ask
the cullalnirahve ieainwork 3"" “"5 ‘°°“ 3‘ M°“‘°‘ ”““"“ yaurseli when ynu lasr thanked other
. d i d thmugh annther sel of eyes. b _ “h d H
'“"“"° °' “"“5“ Hlsturicall the survival instinct has ‘“'““ E" “ E “"59 P'“‘’““ ““
prevenlien. Nu, lhis article is nut abnut * , Y’ , pack for dning a greal job? Publirally
been the iiaipehis iur animals and

psyaliohahble, su lel me explain. humm [0 mm Packs M m*mS_ Yam rE('oEll1if‘ir|g(;a:lDh:tl?2r isalgreal way In
we are hardwired to survive which deparliaienl is a pack wilhin your 9"“ ‘S e“ “ ' 5 V‘ ‘ ‘W’

gives rise In fight ur flight whenever eainpany which is itself a pack. The 3. Reasszrt Control.

we ereeive h sical or s chulo ‘cal Dania Preventlon ceriiinuni can .

Lhrezcs lo uu|l')s:curity. 12/: been 5?. also begemnsidzred a pack cuns?sting of Team‘ “’““‘ °”“‘.‘“‘ “‘ "‘““.““““3” 5“
orgamzntinnal censiilmnc far over several individual packs, i.e., one call ‘'‘if“'”‘'‘‘‘ “fa?” """'“§e" "" ‘f“f|“"“3
thirty years and see ihese inshnels ceniers, Excnvaturs, urilily companies, 3“ "“‘”"3 ° T“ "‘°"‘ '5 ° ‘ 2
working every day. For example, l'iai cummuniufis, puliriaians, eic. New let's fh“"‘:5“lf'“("“““““ '“‘“ “"“ d“ ""1“‘
currenlly wnrking Wflh a department address how pada can work logelher— “Y ° *5 ‘

that has the repularion ailieing the cullabnrarively. I'll begin with the three My Embellishment

‘NC Department" within Lhe eornpany. slraiegies nffemd by Lisa l<wan and Lh

Thai is, whenever rhere is a request lhen offer an Embellishment. K‘f‘$P;“‘ ‘f '99 ‘:°’‘l‘‘“‘‘‘_} .

for cunperatmn rhe requesier hears no, . °" “ ‘“ V? “"“"°' 5 '“ 5”"

we Cm,‘ an am Sm“, H1 msfims at 1. Gmup ldzntxty. wirh that said, however, «here are
wnrk! The sad parl ui this smry is the This aiirhar cumends rhal every 3‘ 153;‘ ‘““’ “”‘“°““‘ ’"“‘3‘“* ‘“
depamnenl rnanager didn't know their learn rniisl malmam ils uwn idenliry ‘°““ 2"

repiiralien until l reporled it in hirii. denned by the nahire of its wnrk and 1. “I” in Tzumwark

Researcher, Lisa Kwan WIDIE ahoiii "“""‘°“: EVE” "‘°"‘'’’“ 7‘ ‘he d“““g“ Cnnflary in rlie aid eliclie _ ilieie is

. . . prevenrian team has «he right in b2
leaiaiwark blind spms in her ariicle, The . . . aiiiy a we iii reaiii gvgry iiidivialiial
. Lh d humbly pmud ui IIS cuntnbuhon tn . .

collaliaralion Blind spel at appeaie km in am W5 (W2 mmmunmes wiiiiiii [he damage pievaiiiimi

in a rem-tHarvar=1 Business Review WP 3 P“ caairniiniry needs In iindersund rlieir
(March 2019). She saxd, groups feel ' ireednm uf chuiee iinderwriies lhe
Lhreaiened when arhers are emzmnching 2. Rea/yii-m Legitimacy. deeisien In he a nollnburatlve ieain

on then’ Ierrlmries. sorneliines, S . (h “k H, M f (h member or nol. There are many
iolluwing lnstincts gei people in lroulile iffi:uhYV‘:“]‘Y;‘;“;] vjlbafiz: ‘ rlwhysw somaiiiia chooses mi. in be ,

ia . west Wglma eii 2019, Lssuez

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