Page 7 - West Virgina 811 2019 Issue 3
P. 7

eat Virginia’: Underground Facilities Damage
i-reveniion Board is now in place following the
\ \ Covemor's recent appointments lo the board The
board members include the following Amy Swann

— executive director WVRWA, Anne Blankenship — executive
director WVONCA, Micliael Slaley — manager WV American
Water, ]acl< Harrison — Goodwin &Gnodwin, Scott Chambers —
director, AER Robert Omdorfl — direclor of State Policy, Dominion
Energy, Timulliy sprariiing — Benchmark Construction, Trivia
Blosser — director of West Virginia Municipal League, Courllandt
Smitli — president WV81l and Bob Weifnrd — Public Service

The underground Facilities Damage Prevention Buard (UFDPB)

n O  was ereaieri for the purpose of enforcing the state's dig law The
board sliall be composed of ID voting members wlio shall be
9 appointed by die Guvemor to serve four-year Icrma in accordance
O t C  S \‘\’id1 West Virginia iaw The board shall be empowered to eslablisli
one or more subcommittees in performing its tasks
° The board shall have the power and autliurity to investigate
1  V O  darnage to underground facilities caused by an excavator: The
board may consult Willi tlie Public Service Commission as needed
regarding investigation of damages to underground facilities
0   under its junidlttlon.
. Meetings will be lield in the near future to establish officers and
rules for operaiion to ensure consistency in processing complaints
mp CII1CI1t€ltlO I1 and 
The West virginia 311 Magazine will continue to provide updates
to our readers who are interested the in ihe enforcement process. Q
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2019 rm. 3 war Virginia 811 . 5

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