Page 10 - West Virgina 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 10

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Dal I I3 9 In est’ at'on
By maaronr
A015 Now Inc.
or me pasl twenty years, he taught hundredsa ll not lhpnsands,
of people about she lrnppnanee pl a darnage invzsligalion. These :
folks have ranged ls-ern the ereavalps to lhe lotalora ls-ern the ulilily — l «
owner/clperatortollwestale regulatnr. Andinlight ellnereased \ —

stmliny brought aboul as the lresull el enlersernem its never laeen rnpre * .~—_.

important In undzrstand lhe importznte and henellls era Ihorough darnage ' »

invesligalion. ,.__ ‘ V

C .n—  , pg‘; We

Darnages represenl a lallnre olsorne lrlnd. ll, however‘ lls really lllre lny  ~. ._ .,—,.,;,,:t
cclnlraclclr ls-lend pnee sald, “The best ya“ can do ls you are still gning lo  -- ‘- "
have dansages and it's nohcldy's[au1l.' liwlwal he said ls (run then he still , p —\

needs so reqnls-e a dasnage invesligaticln when lhes-e ls a darnage up prove to K c ’

ssrnehedy Ihat it was not his lanll. p

Prevention ls a key reason ler darnage lnvesllgallens whleh leads Io

heightened salely. Investigating da.nages should have an ernphasls on

delermining the eanse. Finding Iaull ls nm as henefirial as finding facls that I F, ‘ M,
ean lead to aellpns. This mentality will help illuminale prevention [or the - - '
lulu.-e. Knowing how a darnage otcurred ls ncll enough. ll ls important to

answeswhy a damage happened and reeagnlze she difiel-enl levels at whlsh ' ' I

it could have heen prenenled, and Ihal salls ran a darnage investigation and l

analysis. .  I}

\Vi(hclul a proper darnage investigation protess, the seal eanse of lhe ' “

darnage may never he learned, corlreclions will never he lrnplesnenled, and S h .d "G. d
suhsequenldalnageswillfollow. Oflenfclrtllesarnepnorhelnavinrs. Merely '""‘ ;"";’l'. ""l’,"‘l"’f,‘fi,'}"
delerrnlnlng lhe liability {or a darnage ls a shpmersn fix lo a lenglerrn "."“"' "" " """‘ '9" ‘-
prdhlern. A serlpns solution to lhe darnage pl-nhle.n can he expzcled only 9"" Y“ """ 9"" """"" M "f"
when lhere ls an invesligation protess that goes well beyond dele.-rnlnlng ""'“1"""

who is at Iaull.

s . wesrvlrglmasll 2020 !sslA:2

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