Page 11 - West Virgina 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 11

1. A good invzslignliun zxpaszs deficiencies. The deficiencies

may be in the tools you've been given to work with. They may

he in the process you've developed In wnrk. It could be in

ihe Iraining program you currenlly use. These may eyen he a , .

deficiency in the quality of people yon hiee. If an invesligalion 0 -‘I’1p(’h""

does nnl expose deficiencies ihai led to Dr mnlrihuled lo the or (1mmlg(_.%

damage or violaiion. ii is not a good investigation. 0 

a . . .. V

2. Agaodimltxligalion issspmoes umrktr snomle. I 0“ "1 N ‘‘1'“:’(‘ aee srraltlwing your bead. Heees ihe dea1. mhe

invesligalinn is conce.-ned with ihe {arts of ihe event. it means

ihai eyen oversights or failures Io perk-nn will be noted. The 1

good einoioyee ohen tells me llnal eye.-ybody geuing ihe same ’ ONT‘;

.-aise eyeiy year, no mailer how wen they perfonn isn't fair and , g V
onenin-iiaiing. Invesligations identify ihe p2zfo1'mance onhe ( 1\LL]1Jl)
employee and in some Companies, ihe inyesiigauon becomes

part onhe employee eyainaiion at year's end. A docoineni that _ 1 a
separates those whn follow company ooiicy and those who lake , ..  - 4 - .~ '.
shun cois will createahaseline iocsoccess and higher morale ‘ , . - ' . ,1 1». I ; \
wit11int11e\vorkfcu'ce. ‘ I  Hi. I  3 , if-

3. Andtmtuflhtmainrenxonswtrxzelllainvexlignte V NH“ i  l

dumngt: is bzcnuxe use nlllzr s.-.1. does. nyon don't 7 1 ‘

inyesiigaie, a sloppy investigation performed by the oihes side _

will find you 1iab1e. From my expe.-ience. ifyou perfonned _

a clear. concise and consistenl damage investigalion Ilnat v _ “""é.'f*"‘°”n':-_“_
focuses on the {arts athand,yDu'1l havethe hestinvestigalinn. e ‘ 1.. "“"

why, you ask? Because rm:-sl onhe utility investigations rye . ‘.“,].‘- timpy
.-eoiewed are iocosed on fault finding ralher Ihan [art finding. e '

They are viiimping lo tontlusions" based on what 1 think 1

raIherl11anw}\alIsee. The photos and skeicbes (if any are KINDER ORGAN
inchided) do not tell the story oi ihe damage.

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2020, Issue 2 West Wgrms E11 . 9

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