Page 15 - West Virgina 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 15

doesn't understand your llngo, you .nay lae llalale even though

you ve done evzrylhing right.

5. nermnine the muse. It is universally reeognlaed llwal [or

every atcident or damage (here ls a root eadse. a dirzct eanse and

one or more mnlxihulingfactorsassotialed with llweevent. \’Vhal Trust your senses.

eondluons exisled that may have made the damage more lllrely to ems-em m demo-ea-are-sea leek re-aey

occur? And wlwal one Ilwing, ll cclrrecledy would have preventzd My usmmmmm 

Ilwe damage? Rememhery this process as not about wlnd ls liable .5 g,.,,_’},Z;’g, .,my.,,,,g,yg,,§...”

for the tosls assoelared with Ihe darnage, but rather an answer " 59955 aken saeee to natural gas

In the questions. wylnal led direclly to Ilwe line genlng damaged? M _ ‘ M‘ k

Llalslllry will lseeorne apparent lollowlng Ihe laelnal investigation. 9y . ;;.L"jj§,‘ffa‘",:n” ii" .13.,” ' °

6'. Dacum(nl.T1wedamageinvesligation repcu'll>zu:-mes your mm W M M W

first lane of defense (or your position. Dotumenling as important 0 3,3,, 9, j"jfjfg‘,"m_ §,‘f,_'§Vf;"Hfm

tor a variety of reasons, but certainly one of them is that the .
lnyolee or court dare may lae a year or more after the [act and “W, ,,,,_,. 9_,,__,,

Ilwe damage .nay he only a dislanl memory. T112 party wilh lhz Flvsx mweynurket‘ Yhan an 3

best doturnentalion will must always have une adyanlage. 132 W W MW ‘hum

Imllmful and presenl the fans. You do not need in lae eoneernerl ‘
with using proper legal renns to deserllae what your investigation a
distovered. Jusl reeo.-d the [arts in me hzsl way you ean and you k

will always be alale Io tonfidenlly defend your report. _

As a slde note, U12 Alleged Violation Rep:-11 (AVE) lo.-m ls loosely 1

laased on good damage invzsligalion Iechniques. \’Vhen sorneone

submits the complaint (AVRL Ihey identify who lhzy are, the Mg, M_,m,,,,g.y,.,,,.y g,

alleged violator, Ilwe alleged ylolauon the location, dale and urne normal. :\ Leann! hnuvsbdwe ; .,,,,,,.,,.,,,,

clflhe alleged violation and are asked to submil documenls Io -*‘99l"9°'-ya»-Fl-‘vwinv T»? g Energy

verify Iheir mmplainl. All ol Ilmese are laerlaased requesls. The ;;;;;;17‘;"g;:;;,f;g _"::_"

Damage Prevenuon Board isn'I asking you Io point a finger at ml Donvlmnn Enugywzfi wan. ream maven d..............,ym.
anybody who mlgln lae doing something wrong‘ they simply wanl at 1 um-mm mwems «um-4 u-s-my

Io know une lads. m

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2020 Issue 2 West Vlrgmla an . 1:

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