Page 17 - West Virgina 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 17

s a young teen, when 1 initially 1 ain siiie l1'Ia( niy wflc. who kindly wiieie the roadway was to begin

started drivingi 1 did not weai ieviews ei-eiy ai-iieie res nie wi11 ask iine “joggcif several inindi-ed yards across

my seatbelt. 1n ii-iii1n. givnn sanie question. 1 1eai-ned this iaeiiavinn anniinei road with a difieranl nanie

die agc nieais 1 could aflbrd this habit, not bztausc ii was i1ne i-igini and i-esuined on lhn other side.Bol1w
at the iiine. seai1ae1is W('rI: not even pan thing to do ei- because someone e1se intersecling iaad nanies ware ineiiided
of H12 cquiplnenl and were eniainiy told nie {hat 1 s1nnii1d do it: 1 1eanied in eui- ieeaie neqiiesi and at inn iinie.
nol i-eqiiii-ed to he worm even i1i1iey ii, ingrainzd it inin nwse11. 1aeeause it while lining was nut a Common practice.
wcrz l1WL'l"E.T‘hllSa early in my driving aeiiieved rzsultsa ilie iesiilis 1 ntednd. 11 once, aim visiting the johske, 1 went
“L‘arez1'." 1 nevei got into me habit. worked. \i\/lwzn 11 comes to wiiiie lining, by i1ne part of the inieiseeiien wiiei-e

. ., 1 15111 ldth . th didi“:'s -d

1 Leeaine a delivcrv and pickup driver 1n uinin. oiii Revised (Jade |’L'q|Ii!('S . ’

. .» . . . . , , cu\1zred wiiii an an-ay of flags. 1-iiese
for lhz 1anii1y inisiness. 1-iiey provided wlute hnlng in niany ClrL‘|ImS(anCE‘S but M mm for mam” ‘he WW5
nie wiiii a i-e1aiive1y new pickup ii-uek allows snnie aiieniaiives and exceptiuns. hapdm their .ab mfml m [hm
to drive. nne equipped with snal Lens vei ii seems (11a[ we see um many and we had a; {Mi Vomhilm WC ‘did
and enieineu» 1nai-d bench seats (nni L-milies wiiin ohligatiuns undei this part ’ ' ‘ "

» . . , . not get i1ne results we needed. Clearer
broken dnwn by years and nii1es of e1 the 1aw raiiing in use iinis tool. 1 agree mmmnmm mum hm [ml Ed and
snrvice).Iwis1wIcould saylchanged niy that snnie siies dn no! 1end i1nenise1ves WWW” ‘saw efimimfa 3
Lzhavior wii1i and my aniiude inwai-ds to pi-e—niai-ieingni i1nai in some eases. dam “W5 ‘V Y
scaibnlts fursumzallruislicrzason. w1ni1e 1ining\vm|1dCreate inane e1a ‘5 '

iiiiie tru(1was.w1€n nvin aenass saet azar 1 an llwclu save‘ on niieinessa e|sl a(,\V zncver
bll ld"g 1yiidii'1d1 91 g'iiii
a rough job siie, it was an only way 1 a niadway ini L-xanlple. isui D\‘Z|‘a]], pL7ssil>1e,m inieinaiiae die safety
seiiid kezp invse11 behind Alwz w1iee1. ii ‘‘paints'' a e1eai-ei pieiui-e or thz przcaution, nni luoking a[ it as a
wii1iin adequate i-eae1i er die sieening excavatcu's' inieniinns. And if it allows neeessai-y iequii-enieiii in as a wasie e1
wheel and i1ne brake peda1 without a nione efficmnt marking pi-neess, i1nen time. is a mine L-FF1cienl\vay e1 getting
sliding aei-nss iiie 1nai-d 1aene1i seat the iiine saved ean be used in enn-eei1y. the rzsults needed {oi sate excavation.
and away rieni die w1nee1 and peda1. 1 actuxalzly mark uiiiines on iiiai 101) D! And 11 it allows you to think 01 ynui-se11
res) ne in se inweai-in tleseat el anal ei- o ‘a n w ie ii-nnieiesaeiv as ai-ne Lunesor e usei,sn
'gdy11 gl 1:1 1n,1a1111n'ii. 1, 1=11'1 KylBl
it was equipped wiili and envisioned to llwz industry. niiieli uie iaeuen 3
niyselias I"arnL-Hi Jones or Junior
, . _ _ Years ago‘ we were extond1ngzrL7ad\\1ay

Johnson strapping in befcuc a iaee. 13in . .

. . and wzre continually r-2quL'sl|ng locates .u. ini     ,.,n.iis..i yin.
tleenkriulln me new did take. . . . n.,.ai I in (11 Am    /.,.

yclnot rzcL'|\'|nglhL‘ markings we i .V .1! gr ,
So winene amlgoingwillw [hiss and how knew we needed in safe excavatimn.   '""‘
Could it possiiiiy ieiaie to while lining? 1-iie |n‘L7bleIn was (hat iine intersection
2020 issue 2 W251 VVVEW-3 S11 . 15

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