Page 19 - West Virgina 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 19

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fiikg. .. -. " " flu ‘ ‘- "*
 v _ k.- , W A ,. ’ V , .
g 7 .‘_ y ‘ . V . e -, _ ' el__,
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"; If ‘ ’t H It
_ w: r 5“S/ou Me5n I Don ave P
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_, ea. _ -5 V ,- y ‘-\ V . lay Vlrglnm eeonos
. - _ g ‘r\ . ,- _ -¢q.)@.J~._§. ‘mePallc_uCerlk9r
ye‘  A ,. . . I ‘ _‘__ _ .u.‘’ , :3 . , Jucksarhms ,
had a eall the other day lrorn house or office hui1ding(bztause flood Likzly.Probability.I"cl|en1ial.Hcl\v do
a nlstmner who was smoking is flood — personal or husiness) is no you ever leel secure?
.nad — his house got rlooded in a in a flood zoney lhe hank is ncll going to .
_ . _ , . . . _ . . when you are talking about eoyerage
iainsloirn, and his agenl (old hnn require[IL7odlnsu1ance.Thals nghl —— it . . .
. , . . wuh your agent, are you inieresled |n
uwasni eoyeredv lhe address (or whieh ihe loan is lor . , .
h .  . . heanngwhosayailahleiogeloronly
appens to he oulside ola high risk . . »
NL7pe.Prclbahly wasni. mm you“ “mrhm lhzWDrds..F1md who you have In gel.’ Hyouplst ask
. . . ‘ . _ .. ahoui who you have to have to satisfy
you see It on TV all lhe Ilmz: here lnsllrancerequuzmznls. mmlnandosin [E mm“ mm
eornes a big rain. woer easeades down . . . . 3 " ‘V
. . using the seenario ahoye. Just heeause not going to know who you eould have
a small lull hehindihehouses, through . . . _ . _
the hank doesnt require ll doesnl rnean to pioeel Ihat large rnyesrrnenl you are

‘1" "°"‘ Y-'““*‘~ 3"” ‘1" 5"“ 3'“ on wonl wish vclu had il al soine aim ahoui to make

inlo lhe nexi lronl yards. waler [lows inf doesihmmoodmnha 25“) ' ‘

down like Niagara Fa1ls—OK, inayhe W m En F100 d hm dealfljmh unless FEMA requires it, lhe hank,
nol rho inueh. hui enough to noiiee,— fl PhPb.1:Vl' H . R d d who's also in as higahurry as you arzy
enough to wash out your yard. [I geis “P” 3 “V” “'“g °° *'*'“€“- doesn't eare wheiher you gel flood
inlo lhe housesy usually in a new l-‘EMA classifies risk lay using lhree insurance AND nnless Flood lnsuranee
suhdiyision, and heres the newseasrer overartlwing flood zones hased on lhz is lor a loan clnsingy youre gonna have
holding a .nie in lroni ola horneowner likelihood onlooding in that arza: a 30 day wait Io gel il anyway. They're
Whcls saying, ‘And insuranee wonl pay _ , _. . a lol more inleresled in proleeiing

lor Ihis. l dun'l know who we're going A__:‘a‘sE';'r‘E‘51‘;If:r:ljf::{fl°3j:;“‘“"' lheir inleresis (their eollaleral) than in
to do." mm“ is ‘gdmuy mq‘m_Ed> zone pzlstecling your inleresis. That's up In
whai kind of insurance doesn't cover v is lhe most hazardous flood zone, Y ‘

(land? and it is usually round in heaehlronl cheap insuranee is no eheap. But it
may kind of  aoesn. “"1 “ml  §;;:3f:D;f_g;;:f ;;P;g§;Vjoj§;;d"
eoyerllood.ll'saeoniplelelyseparoe - lvloderoerisk areas are Zclnesfi when on ma imfwmd

policy — and l1waI's lhe only risk it and x. Y ’

does cover. Flood is never “included" _. _ 1 Your homzy your husiness property—
in a horneowner or propeny poliey. L°‘V" '51‘ 3"“ 3" 2”“ L 3"“ X’ that's whai you work all your lile (0
Ever. Thz only plaee Io Even gel Flood ()bviously, lhe nearer you are In woer, have and enjoy. This is ncll lhz plaee (D
lnsuranee is lhe Federal Govemmznl. the likelier you are In have water ha.-gain hunl.

voulr agenl. ol eourse. is where you damaging your propeny. The luriher M hm hm ym agent explain WW5
app y or u. away you are from woer — masllmz, . _ .

. . available to you Io pioleo everything
. , . rlvery pond,slrean. —ihe less likely you . »

where lo s(ar(:‘\V1wos al Iaull.’ who to Wm hm flood dmagg But dnm M ‘he you ye go!

1'1"“ word ”1ikely' lull you inlo a lalse sense Lei lhe [acts help you deeide. Q

Let's “blame' the hank. They require of seeurily. There's No area totally free

firz insnranee. don't Ihey? Bill, if lhe of the poienlial for llood.

2020 Issue 2 West Vlrglms or . 17

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