Page 6 - West Virgina 2017 Issue 1
P. 6

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’§‘I_i .. 3u’vL‘ heard Wm ' I n
"' 2 ' amagu _> ctalkabu _
 _ hm 1ma1::“~gex\tm,. law m‘::/:";*“Y|hg a .m,,.gC,
°pu..(,,, a_ Mix udq, bf 11, ” ‘ "g“’\la you
. ‘ um: bcfum you Q to Whcthuy 0, “ft “‘‘‘‘’“m ym, hm, may
‘ 4_ thousand dung. And am 1 Em: Wu mud to Cm : ““
an Mm ‘ax. my bu mu fl_°fafcw1..,ndmd ‘W
K yuu d. “P for I}, ,. or few
V‘ 8» °0=|ng not In mu
U s ummm xzuu N am  SE
°,Wb,,.,..,m,n WWW uceosw
Pmehvu and Hiumws
um...“ saucy
Adm\nmr.a\\m\ _
Jaunarx 4. ZM7 \
Dvu Excaxaunr ' I‘ .
The U S. DqnnIMnlaf'\n:ns1wr|fil\0n, F\p\:\i\M: and Hnlmdaus Malcrims Snfuy As|mm\.\\m\\on ‘,
uauusm, .5 mu“; 1(\ nau\y ynu um anyun: mmmung a dxggxng wage: in me sun: ofWcs\ ~ _
Vngmua Whn tins .0 mmp\y wnh mg m\¢«a~)\\ vcqmmw:n\s and t!An\'A\;cs . rum-a\ gas tax ~ .5. ..
hula-rdazus uqm ;)\pe\Ine, may I»: summ m tadum anfmuuwm acuon. cummxy, \h: sm: qf _=
Wm Vlqgnm um.» um ndcqun\:\y cntuvu an <x\\'|\ mve.~4‘.s\\ hm , xhemme, PHMSA my cnfmcc
(mm 49, Code o(\‘eAr.rn\ R:gu|3\\m\s gum. Pm we m wan Vxrginu Th: \'ul:m\
reguhnmx pvn:st:n\\cs lb: mimmunl r:qu\mneI\\s mm :xca\u\ms must rum». m pI\)\cn\
\\mugrouud p\pu\\u£\ flnm cxvnnlmn-:c\n\:§ damage and mquuze excnvuuns to do lhc
. vmu w um! mmng :xm\a\\m\ mmy. fin: cxcnwlox must:
:5) \!~‘4: an :4\‘n\\ah\¢ W-.~.n\\ xyswm Ixcforc exuvnmg Io Iwhfy opualols or
urmzrgrmmd v\p<:\\l\c fnci\i\\¢s av me umuxg 1n\x\\m:stiUn of we mltndcd (\mvnuo|\_
\n u .m¢qgn.uuu mdam mu in um um. wan Ym \\\c pwdxnc nrpenxm to arm‘: an ‘
me cv.c.\vanm sun and embfish and mm \\vc \mulion or an mugmuna wan»:
Imhucs hefnre ex:ma\\\\g,
C) Kixcavne wnm plbfkl Iugard fol \ht mnkcd locauwm of p\p:\iI|n  upwnwx M.»
-:suh\\<h:d \=) \ak\I\g an Vmchcubk sizw \n pwevenx :x«:xvu\inu (hanmgs: u» xx»:
p\pe\i.n¢'. EM‘
d] mm addxuunn.\ us: uf mg Am:1‘.n.\|syx\tII\ 1: nccexdurg In oh1mn\\w4\\r\g and
mung mm cxmavuung 1» um: um \Im\:rgmund mp:\\M.s are ml danxagad hy
- \c . papusm u damaged \n my my :7, cxcnvilion mmly , mu cxciwhw mu Vmm|I\\y
lrpvn mu dumng: m \\\c m\sc\\m: u\;<ra1or.\~hel\~m m uol a knk uccnn, m m: car\\ul
p:Ic\\4ml7\c mumem (u\\m~mg ducavcry nf me damage
s \f damage (:3 u yipe\'|m: Yuma uxcuvalunyn ar.\.mly cnnscs \I\: vdcase nfnny PHMSA
mgu\a\exl mlund we «\\m\' 9,. In huurdnus hqmd (mm me mm». a. mermeu m
Chapter M) cw, hm W1. W3. m ws, \h: uwam mum p‘:\)mpl\y mm \hr. (den:
m nvpmpnallt emergency u<m.s.: nmhmmzs hy ca\\img me tau clnugcuy \n\L:phm\c

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