Page 7 - West Virgina 2017 Issue 1
P. 7

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( mg cxca (PHMSA , .4 .
.addrL‘~>#‘d ° d xnwlrallon , y.
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wld encourage  Elm and Hgzar 0 mm madcqllamrl _ 5 t ’ ,, _
WC wVIrg1nm mam 11“ P ,1 law hm hm“ 4‘; “ C,(m.1:or~ far .. _ g _. _‘
WM DC . ._,..c»ca . mm w L‘ 1 U, .
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wa,.}..ngw"r _ ‘"fOr(¢n1L‘|'|[Oft “dud mama d EXwvau.»r~ at to I .
“ _ ‘K V,,g,....1 «f Cwgm, to to heme you -5» _‘ h flalatlon n  ,-> g
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m mmP1)«' v;';*; fumm to av-1151"‘ h nd mm 0... new to _ _
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‘°"‘P;);; 056,330 5 X 1,; as us to sf‘ ‘SE30: dunk’ U .
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You k"°(“;, Q; enforcement , ..a.- I
take con x
Pxmumn win) um xu ¢.umpl_v wnn these m;mmm~n:.\ mu) be .~uh}L-Lt n; cull pcnalmzv not 1.,
exceed $205,638 Ian-.1511 vmlulmll [or each day the notation wnunucx, cxctpl Ibifl ID:
ma><[Im1m adm?niXtm|I'vL' an/ii pennlly may mu exceed §Z.05D.J3D for my mlaltd xencs of
v1olamzns(49 cm 190.223). Addmomuy. PHMSA may rmfnme :xn.\1m,g requircmcmx
applicable K0pI[x"Inc opwxlors, Including those specified In 49 CFR 172.614, 4‘! CFR l95.442
and 49 U.S C 601 M. if: pipeline upelxlm Tails )0 pmpcrly rcspnnd Ia as locale rmqucxx or 1.3115 to
accurately locate Ilml nmk 1!: pipeline.
TM: program was developed In address mic uflhz It-hdlllg causes ofpipclinc accxdcnu that hurt
m-an proplr damage lo 17:: pzpenne occumng during a digging prlyml. In me 2006 Pxpcllnc
Insp1>1mn, Pmlenrllnn, Enlurcemcnr and Sale!) Act [Fuhlic La» 1D94fiK. Deczmber 2?, 2090),
Congmsx dimmed PUMSA to nuke rnimrement actions (including cm! penalties) «gains!
excammm who (ail to comply WI!!! one call nvqum-mtms and damage a natural gas or hazardous
~ V ‘ liquxd p|'p¢h'ne Haw;-W, mm: enlarccmmtis only xppliubk 1.. mm when
enfizrunlml um. um anoau hw ix inndeqlute Undcnlnx pmgrml. PHMSA annually
V evzlwtcs the slave znrommem pmgram. (‘HMS/\ conducted as rvnlnaxian afthc Wm Vilgxma
V cnknccnlclll program In Z0163:-d dclcnnfmsd aha! me West Vlrgunl en[aIc‘¢m:nIpmgnurl is
" ulmleqlmle. Thcrvmre, PHMSA miy mzw conduct Iedeml er-lbrremenl when exuvaran rm: In
S ccmply mm 49 (‘ER 195,
In Implcmenlmg mis program, in 1: PHMSA '5 mm m cncaumgc adcquale me rnlorcemmr at
§ uh: nne<cnJl1:w. In stares mm mny am-taped enramcmmx pmgmms ma! mcluae clwl
ptnsllirx, there .3 tmpmvcd xakry and 5 mducfion in damage mus. rnwsa continues m wazk
with smkchuldm la Impmvc daurmgc pvcvmliun. u-pccially m 11:11:: what: cnfomanrnx u
umdeqnmxc. by pmwding gran! Iimdtng. cducalmg policy-mnkcys in support among d.-unage
prevnztmn law: and pmgmrns, pnriicvpuling m rnfanniufunal mxtxngs, and olberommnch
ufloflx. We snmumge yau m suppon West Vxrg|nia’s elfonx lo devdup an adequate
rnfmvemenl pm;-Jain In West Virginia. More inlonhanan mm mm pmgmrn can be found on
our website at ;.u,..»x/pmmum gov‘/pxpdunc/mfziy-swmcnc9x-Md-<vuImz£h/:xczvaAor-
tnfumrmcntfl lfyou h.:Ve:m)'qIles11nns. pleaw Conlzci I’HMSA'X Uilnlflgt Pftvcnrwn Team
by email at CXEEVBl107L£n[0rC€l’1I¢nl[I{‘d0l gov or by phone at (804) 5564673‘
‘Dz [%“.z4 7 />£aw7/
Dr Chnsfl: D Murray
Aclmg Deputy Asmclale Adnummdzrar Ibr Policy
.uI<I Pmgmtns

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