Page 8 - West Virgina 2017 Issue 1
P. 8

4 Q 6
Suspect a natural gas leak? 
First, move your feet!
Then call when you re down the street.
oinside or in, detecting a natural gas leak is easy. To help you SMELL a leak lrom a gas line or appliance, a
familiar odor like rotten eggs is often added lo natural gas. or you might SEE blowing dirt, bubbling water
or an unusual area oi dead vegetation. A leaking pipeline migln also make a hissing sound you can HEAR.
Also, remember to call -wv 311" by dialing 311 at least two working days before digging
on your propeny. And if you suspect a gas |ea|<—wa|k away, right away. Once clear oi the area,
call Dominion Hope, M 1-800-688-4673.
Learn more at, search: Natural Gas Safety
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