Page 11 - West Virgina 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 4
P. 11

conhrming the entire scope ui wurk gm}, 5, 1-,“, Ping“... and map l was once told by my supervisor
on the locate tlckelby doing a iohsite > that if it wasn't documented, it never
walk through. while on your walk Tzmpurary mark"-as Placed Dr‘ ‘he happened. it is important to document
through, coniii-m the location of access lob-we are hm-verbal comm-m-ta‘-on anything and everything related to
points you identitied on your prints h€‘We'=" ‘h? 10%?‘ ahd ‘he °><CaVfll°! the Excavariun nurice. Many locating
Take a close lunk at the landscape to W“h ‘hz E010‘ ‘hdlcflhhs ‘he ‘YPE 0‘ technicians take several pictures or
search tor topographical clues or utility Pmdut‘ fluwms ‘hm-sh ‘he lv‘l>E their markings, as well as make written
construction like trench lines, craclrs, 0‘ cnh1e- YD“! lemlvomy "“"‘f“‘S=' documenmtion ui any changes relative
patches or cuts in the pavement. A shvglld clearly ‘der-“iv ‘he -=shm-‘fled to the excavntitm area shown on the
good visual inspection can also help h_unw‘Ih_‘11°_ca“D‘- and l>a‘hWny hf locate request, any conversations with
you identify other buried tacilities ‘W35 hurled In the ‘in; mi» 0‘h'=‘ the Excavamr either on site or over
that may not have been documented valuable Inivmmmn yup-I muld I the phone and any other clanflcarions
on your prints. Be on the loukuul tor pmwde w“h your low‘-on mark-"gs that relate to inioxmariun shown on
any conditions that might affect the “““1_“ ‘ndudfi =11? 0‘ hm ‘YPE 0‘ hm the dig notitication. Many pipeline
accuracy ui your locate like chain link Dr lg-PE mnlenalr as W211 as ‘he number operators and utility operators require
tences, guard rails, guy wires and 0‘ hm 1" H =““S1E ‘much D‘ C_°“d‘“l a representative he onsite when
overhead lines that may interfere with P3“-‘<33? and Whh W“ the hm Excavation is hiking place near the
yuur locamtile signal. And, as always, mp 6: Dame duck and mm” “K critical line. If your situation warrants,
tie on the lonkuul tor satety hazards or 5“, nutify the excavator that there is a
ahnormal conditions that may impact critical line buried on their ]Db site
your satety. carpentersliveby «hegumen rule tn and arrange a high proaie meet. After

measure twire and cut once. As a line a,,g,.g,3,,..3,,.,., an made] dummm. 9,2
5&1! 4: Make a Plan ind Wmk Y°'" locator, its important to hike another cunvamgfiun ,9 include the dam and
9”" ‘Wk a‘ your iota‘? fluke‘ and l>rih‘=' time the meeting will take place.
You should also consider estalilishing ‘)1 ‘flake =_"“° ymfve nC<W‘_I“=d_‘m all F H . th _ fin ch
3 pamzm gm lmgng and {gm an lines buried on or near the iohsite to ‘L DW-I-ad 2 mu ‘e ‘En ‘=2
locating one line at a time. l noi-inally Prmh‘ n my When YD“ 12 samhed ;3h Cf“? 5°“ 1“ t‘““?‘ ° f"°" ch
located several types of utilities on my ‘hat EvEry‘h‘r-5 Is accuunted fan 9  ° "‘“ 1“°:“"‘3.‘“"‘; "“‘"‘“
lubsitzs but would completely locate Y0“ =‘h°“1¢_‘ mm 5"" ‘h=‘ Y°“’Ve "‘°“ I ““ 5‘1:‘;Y . 7""“§ ‘:3’ °
Each ugmy system Mm Smgng an closed all lids, boxes or covers you “P9” 2 an E mt “'5 2 °'- a
‘he I-Ex‘ ='y="2m- Slrakaically dephw may }“""? “P°““d d“’“‘3 the 1°” ““d Bab Nighmmngcr 15 the Presidmt and
Wu‘ slshnl “m*mi“EY and ‘Wm l‘“".“ ’“‘"“’“d ““ “‘ Y““’ ‘°°“' ““d CED o/ utility Tmimng Acndcmy. Bob
we line at 2 “ma When faced with 2 “i“‘P"‘E“‘- has over 25 years afcxperieuce Ht thefleld
cm-s2s“=d “ht; we 0‘ ufility wemehlr step 7: Document your work and ofuhlify locating and damage prewnflaw.
d2l>h=y Wu‘ lrahsfiuller may ‘mm ‘hh communicate any high pmflle For aacstions or comments, Bab can 172
congestion and locate the line into the ,m,,,,, ,,, ,,0,,@mm,c,,_W
congested area.

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2017, isroez West virgin. E11 . 9

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