Page 12 - West Virgina 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 4
P. 12

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Preslderlx am am In:
hue many amkzhuldsn Ill'll11E to la‘l(k to Ilucnlozs and axcavadlrgrs youl’re going IlcJ:>ldo.':iIhasl;2$ himdlo
,,,a,l,e,,“,,,,‘,ad,,,a w nwur Dl1(\2Sfll‘l’|€p!C|]EC(iIl'|‘ ear Exp alnlusla lan ea owe
..,m,S,,,1 mg? ,,,Ojm, from both .-rrle. that thlngs are gomg up, "pm]2cts that start vmh
it ,3 doom“! U, Mum well preeuu.-lruellea meeunga-, update
without euoperauou, cnozdlnatlon and Om Pmjm is m(mm,ly mmpmsd meddling» dltnnrg fé‘L9hP"’l?C‘ ml-<1
communlczlllonbztwzenIheluczllor Wuhammimum Dfd‘§!uP‘innSand Dnnemremgal erehdnnngd
of underground utilities and the apparently both .-rrle. are m harmony. ‘“ P‘““;' "'"‘‘f: ““”['“V’  "°."‘}‘“”‘°
E><cdvnl°!sd°mgfl-eW°!k- Themher m’ecll.-eum leledm the em” °”“ °““ °” “'5
I d_ Mfr‘ ‘H P . d plncealthzzighttlm2.Thelncaloz

Ailezhavlngbeenmthelnduslryfnr -gu am ttlauanr ngervomm-sun med,m,,ndm,a,,dm,d,e5Ped
mumhan 4,, mm kanleuyoudm lmgatlon. Llkely lmllrlheloealoraud ‘hEEmmm,3P1m, and new
I've heard a (lung or (Wu about who.-e mavdivr have ?>‘P9"?“f?d bath type‘ ,9, the d,,y_ me exmvnlo, “mas
fault it Is that a damage occurred or 0‘ Pwletb and the -lueslmn I—~' What ,9 ,mdmm,d and mpm “me

Why a Pmldct is behind schedule It "““‘“ d“ d'fi“““°“'7 eenalrauala placed rm the loealor. If
nlmmt always appear» to bf the 011"“ Reremly l had the oppoltunlty to them ls a confllcl m ume or resources,
guY='fault---W1“=EVmh€ 0111“ guy i~‘- talk tn Bram Fuller, Alabama regional both should have the ahihly tn make
Me, in mm yam 0, fins“ Pawns manage! USIC, and asked hrm rd .-hare the nece.-aary adluqmeala ID avold
and bang mm mm fingn, P,,,,m,,E uzhal marle the dmereuee. He aald, i'ru~'tmt|on and damage

du_E~'n'| solve the P“{b‘9Y“*V We're still . N“ él.“'l‘fi” °g’““d“’ "““d “‘"“:”‘ l-le eurumued, "when l aay do what
dulng a [I r.- refzzalllng from ume to ‘Z; “:3  you W y.,,,r,2 gomg to do, , mm

10 . waa Wglma E11 2017, am:

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