Page 18 - West Virgina 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 2
P. 18

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-  - -n7_»:,ea-A -_un.<-_—_5 l‘fM*?57:§1.;-V.->._-6s;«’?3£f*-‘J-3.‘: 9: .
 '.=‘?«“"r--:-'  ‘f’-""l".i-‘Iv-. '21:;-’:.>-'-t‘ -: '-‘~.‘-:- 45 -. «Jew 1
rum’ Years m Ih2con~tmctlon|ndu~t!,HIav2 seen wmes eclfictn dimctlonaldullm andbonn .Tlaese
>3 y P g g
entlmly 100 many damages to undergmund nnllnes. may even be pan of Lhelr permittlng pmness. Take nme ID
or course, male havn benn a multltude of masons, such lnvesngale llaem and see what Impact llaey could have on the
as fallum Io nnmy, lnaccumlc made, unsafl: digging work (1: be pnriormcd.
paaennes and the llkn when l fim became lnvulvsd wnl
the safcty snle of excavation, l was naive, as.-nnnng mas: 3‘ B'dd‘“g ”‘“ ‘“'°“‘ ‘° ““"‘” “" ““‘“”“Y “my
_ _ _ pmtaullons. Thls as easy to say and dlfficult to lmplemenl In
lmes wnm lnslallenl the ~2|me way we d|d them, namely
. _ a tllmalc where woxk Is awarded to the lnwesl bld, but llae
open-Cut lmndung Iwaanot pmpamd my Lhe umqulz ~21 of . .
C|zCum~t.1ncI:~' pnesenlenl by dlmcuonal dnllmg and boring. f:’l‘:::‘O“I:}l1:°;‘“V‘::’l‘l’::‘f"“:d“"‘"5‘ °““ib“ “ b“”‘"‘“}:*°"“‘"5
. . .- Ie-c anglngonz ormzmyn ch
A~dire:tlonaldulllngbecamzmom pmv.1l2nI,tl\2numb2r 4 Th _ b_ i _ _
amamagesmalaeennenl whenacontmclozbomdtluough £1 °’°‘”“°‘“ ‘“‘““ °’°‘P°““g °*“‘"‘g ““““‘°‘°“°
a lml: oftcn made headlines and were slgnmeanl, wILh ‘ “,'l"°“"‘f“ ““du‘”d*’“f‘“"§' "“' ?:i“’“;"°3‘/.d°Pf1“ A"“"‘“‘g
aavasaaag Ovznlmatlu-r2lm-been 1% '";'~ If 3 W $37 = *1; '~"~fi3"““ ,
alolninlascnsslnn overpass-lblesolnnonsandleglslanve °“"“° "““°““ V °“°‘“"” ‘° "‘" “'“°“”’ 2“ *°‘“°""“

. . health and wnll-bung lungs m the balance. And nuthex

rcmedIea,andaomsactlomhavebzentaken.Howcvcn wlnle h M 1

the pmblcm ls recognized, a ma] lung-tnnn, umvcnal salnnon ° °“ ‘‘“‘’°““ ° "

sccm~ unnllzunablc. Many utlllty companies an: spcarhcadlng 5. Nulwurk wllh lather lnleaesled pames. ms h a slnaanan
tllelr awn axons to prevent tmuaborlng Ihmugh lanes, but as that demands a gmup dl~‘Eus~'lon and Input fmm all partles
ll2noug}Icun£nIIy7 lo alnasalnnon Lhattxulv lael s Tln. ma zov|de~'hurl-

g > , P YP

Them am aennns Lhal can bet.1k2n,botl1 ~lmr|-[elm and '°"" “““"'“” °“ “ P""“‘ by P‘‘’'“‘ "“’”’ ‘“ “"3 '°“5 “‘""'
_ snlnnans that can be Incorpuratnd mm policy an tlm local,
somnlnng-lennlannl pmbablymom,dcp2ndmg upon M f d H 1 I

lutal mgnlannns, speclfin utlllty mqulrements and mlemal ’ “ ”’ ‘ °’‘‘ "° my ‘“‘“ “

company mles) Tlns is not an allanelnswe list. ln a changing unvlmnmznl,
L Obwmlyl Pnmplammgmgwdalm Amp“ llllieaellmly lsnanlelsnlalleaslislaylng gléeanl of}l‘hc1trenda,
lnspeennnnnlaes.le,ln-eleplla mnewarplansana “ ‘“’ '“5‘“‘°’““ “°'P°’"‘°"‘."°> '“ ""”“’ “‘ ““"°“‘

. . _ wlmnssed and learned m the hold ls a laeallny ~'t.1rt.And

draw|ng~, dhcumlona wllh any goveznlng agennes that have

. assnmmg anything about Lhe ultimate lncallon and polcntlal

mnsellcnnn uvnrlhz area and after all of llns, havlng me nghl H I d _ b 11 Id
pzoplcand eqnlpmenlnnsllela perfnnn Lhcwozk. °‘“‘ ‘° “"“5“"’‘“‘ °‘“‘ "“ “°“’“‘”- W
2. Eanl. ganemmenl agency may have spennn neqnnemenls M. an man n..nn.a».,le yn-orlmnljnw Cmvggz , I;_vllI£< Ca , M llflcv
for nnllnes that have been lnslalled wltlun tllur yunsdlcllon, «-«-rm-l««~v«~«>v~»ov«~-ll-m as man
15 . wgst Wglmn E11 2019, !ssu:2

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