Page 7 - West Virgina 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 1
P. 7

Avoid hold times.

Your time is valuable. Using the Web Egzrfi
Portal allows you to use your tirne 
submitting tickets. not waiting on the


S_ubmit tickets on your own E’ - ’ W '

time. =_ , V _. 7 V .
Not only is your tirne valuable. but 7"’ “:""‘ ""
you’ve got a busy day ahead oi you v, - _ _ .
By using the Web Portal you can i ’

choose your most convenient time to _ ;’_

submit your inlorrnation i

:».-.-« _.

Use the same maps the one call

lolks use. To iearn more about how to take advantage or
S ‘ K n this great service, simpiy go to

ince ou are oo in at t e sarne ma s.

you'll ge able to rnarg your own work p WWW-WV811 -Com
area, and nobody knows your work area and click on Web Portal icon to register arid
better than you do. start saving time and money today
Better communication. __ , _4_,_ ____
Since you are identilying your own work

area, nothing gets lost in the translation. '

No need to say it again i

And the number one reason to use the Web Portal is:

It promotes_ stability in WV 811 : ' ' ' " *
members’ ticket prices. _, ., 
This is really a no—brainer. Not only do 1 7 *- ,' *
you make it easier on yoursell, but at .

the same tirne you show the rnembers 1.

you're working lor that their bottom line

is important too “"‘ »

2020 issue 1 Westl/Hgiriisflll . 5

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