Page 8 - West Virgina 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 1
P. 8

AVR Alleged Violation Report Form
’,"I..t‘~4  ‘ ' [(1 "   _ ' . y now you may have either heard about or
g . _ l - ‘. . .q “ ., ,.,,t,f ‘a found the AVE (Alleged violation Repnn)

' -  4;. ~a‘ \:.‘~!‘%fl‘ iorm at um/w.u/m1pb.L'om. some have asked.
5‘ . . M — . #3,,» 1 - 5': _-L“ _  “When should i submit an AVR or when
. r . - . _ ~ ~- .‘—._~-‘ . _ shouldlreport someone who is violating the dig
. 1-. - on \¢.  . . . .
. . g. L . .A I . .35 law. To this question there |S no nght or wrong
K J_ l ', Fe;  _ 1‘ ‘_» *- answer. From the earliest days nf working to include
. ' 'r‘ ‘ 1' « " r  enlorcement (education and/or civil penalties) the idea
_. > ‘ '4 i ‘ -, r (’ < » - orenrorcement was promoted as a last resort. The
} it" . wk —\_ » ' 31. Ar ~ 1: hope was that stalreholders would continue to try to
3 , o _ .— i re‘ . r  \ g --as resolve issues in the field as they had done in the past
 ‘   l‘ *' '_i 1 2 _ and irresolution was not possihlee eniorcement was
3;‘ - - e e » ~ a \ _ e L an additional step to be used to encourage behavioral
. ' v ’ . : _,. ' s hange.
‘_ ,  . \ i I y  c
Li? 1-‘ ;.- :r , yw‘  The AVE is an access point to the Damage Prevention
.,§“,3-gfi '9 l "‘ X‘ s .. '3 ‘ ~g Bnard, the board was established to ensure fair and
-— ~.‘«;_- - ‘ 5 , ' . ' elfeclive enlorcement in west virginia. [I you leel that
'—-' ‘,;,- ._ . ,. - _ 7 ~ the enforremenl process will help you do a better job
« , -5;, J .- l‘ , , of protecting your underground inirastructure. then
fa _c '- '~ . . _ _: _<\.,.‘._ submit an AVE. Here are a lew things to remember
 _' ‘A _ 15-  _ \ when submilling one.
‘» -j l_ y ‘ 4 - Ymi will notice a red asterislr beside some of the
' s WA, ' 4 . requested inlorination. This means that the field
 , is a required field. while the other intornration is
V. ; '  not required to fill out the form. it will assist in
I ‘ g __, tfl - investigating or locating the alleged violation.
‘<e}‘£. t “ = » Ynu should lrnow the steps below to successlully
#' - submit an AVE:
'4‘ ~ LT1-ie farm requires you to enter your name and
, contact inlonnation including your email address
*  -I 1 . and phone number. There will likely be questions
; g l _, — — ' , regarding the alleged violations and without being
" . - able to contact you, it would be impossible to continue
the investigation.
ii. The form then directs you to enter the person or
company that committed the alleged violation, along
wit cclnlatt in onnalinn 0 I e a 2 2 Vin atori
h s r h ll g d l r
ill. Below the address nelds oi the alleged violator are
five ts; types of alleged violations under the heading
of'"l‘ype ofAlleged Vinlation." As this is a required
field. you must checlr one of the bones listed helnw:
L Excavating without a one call locate ticlret
7. Excavating early
3. Failure In lncale meanin failure to mark, aim or
\ E P
1 — . 4. Did not locate within the required time
, ,.,
-- >3 5. other (include below)
"i ' -  ‘ . . . .
' t iv. it you select “cit1vi2r." it IS cntrcal you clearly
;  describe the alleged violation in the Iexl box
'~'\:t .  immediately below. Remember. a violation can occur
 , - ,» e — without a damage and it is possible to have a damage
-'-" ‘ - where no violation has occurred.
a. wesrvvensaet 2020, Issue 1

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