Page 9 - West Virgina 2017 Issue 1
P. 9

It Doesn't Get Any

Better Than This  -

 U n , ,v , .  I, H WE DD THAT.§E_NgjJmj9
 , ‘ ‘ 31¢‘.  I.
5'  ,_‘. ' : :A 1 I.‘ _  5 “, . Cumplete pmg-ram management and turnkey suluuuns.
,; .‘ N . pi 3 Q . M -.3 V , ’: 3 ‘ ‘ K  It's what we du Kn the wireless sectur. Eul Ihax-a’s mute
W e';.v: ,« 4 § y. " ‘ __ " ‘ ,'.‘ ‘ ‘#1., m us Uur Iarmlv uf Eumpanles prnvldes:

' 1-,‘; .;. ' ‘- H ‘,;',;N-

%£:g. 5. ‘ 3 I 1'   - Telecum, Elem-1:: & E55 Cunstrucnnn
:,,‘.v;:,‘ __> ‘ \ ‘_ “ . ' fl.: ‘ - Wireless Nztwurk & Tuwer Cunstruchnn

-' fig’? ,-3:» e , _ ‘ ‘ V  ' - Frufessmnal Szrvices & Site Uevelnpmanl

. ‘ yfi [,1 T‘, -t 3» ‘. & ‘£1. ~ HAS Suluuun Design & Inlagrahun

- *  ; , . ‘ \ .;.;._~»_, - Undergmund Ulfllly Lucaung

- g 5, J . ' - ‘ When vuu wurk with us, yuu knnw yuu’vs hm

. /‘ n _ - the right peupla, nu matter what the lab.
We've (in! This." 3‘
4: v. - >2 5 i '
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In» :5 how it all vlanerl. Mark Stowe M Hunung In ‘
the sum VHITS) waw m um vu-mm dxscihsxng .
the pm-mmlup I)‘ \‘\"e~'t Virginia an and an 7 _ " _
Out-‘loom when Cam] Cavlclln wnh Mnuntameer ’_

Ga« and I'rc~xdenl«\x the We>lV"ng1n1a S11 Board

Introduced hun to Mike Lexus, a xelluw worker wnh the

gas iumpanv. Mac \\'a~' land enough to «rm to mm .\I.cL

Stowe KMarL « mm on a bear hunt.

Several months paved by and the M-~: Vxrglma bear

acaxun wav Il'I IN hnal -‘law In late [Icccxnber Mark called

MxLc and asked,“I~1knn1e?"M1ke «and ’ Bung Nxck on

  3 5 N

Thcv headed to Elkmv to take NHL to create what wmlld —

be an amazmg memnn‘ and hunl|«\rh|n1.Max'k and the °°MMu"'c’m°NS

HITS team had an awe~L»me experience ax \\‘cl1. Thu‘ HEW m M imam:

.m~cd m a cabin m the mmlnlamx \\'1kh nothing but ml _ , “ , . ,

:3 wood stove m Keep them waxm and .1 generamr mr V “= “ M" 57’“E‘‘‘

pL»\\'cx'. When thcv pulled up to the cabm N1ck'~' \\'()n‘l\ GREUIVIM E31”!

were, "Man, lhw 1x the box!”

The (abm was unh‘ the ma 0| an advenlilrnus jmlrncv.

The hrvl morning thev headed |«\r M1ke’~ mend Denm‘

\x1\-»c'- home where they were grmte-‘l bv a large group

cormwuzn ow mg 1:
n - 5 1- -1 . '5' ,.
p;‘:...Z,:‘ “"   3:1"! mt.‘-‘.. <> 

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